Myrhorod Museum of Memory of the Victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine (department of the Opanas Slastyon Local History Museum)

The Museum of Holodomors in Ukraine is located in a small building next to the Church of John the Theologian, and in 1932-1933 there was, as they said then, a "shelter" - an orphanage, where children from all over the Myrhorod district were taken. At first, only the orphaned children of the so-called "kurkuls" and the repressed got here. But when in 1933 the famine reached terrible proportions, impoverished parents of large families gave their children to this "shelter" in the hope that they might somehow survive there. They hoped that the government would at least somehow feed the children in the orphanage. But everything turned out differently ... And over time, an ordinary orphanage turned into a real death camp, where children, whom no one counted and who were buried in a common pit in the yard, died en masse of hunger behind barbed wire.
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